Poppaea Sabina


Personal and Family Information

Poppaea was born about 0030 in Pompeii , the daughter of unknown parents.

She died in 0065. The place is not known.

She had three marriages/partners. Her first husband was Rufrius Crispinus, who she married in 0044. The place has not been found. They had no known children.

Her second husband was Marcus Salvius Otho Cæsar Augustus, who she married in BEF 0058. The place has not been found. They had no known children.

Her third husband was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.


Birth ABT 0030
Place: Pompeii
Death 0065


Note 1

first child and daughter to Titus Ollius and an elder Poppaea Sabina


  1. Wikipedia English
    Source: Wikipedia English