Album XIII   photos 073 - 091
Michael T. Richards
2011/07/05 - 2011/11/06
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XI 073
Dracunculus vulgaris
XI 074
Dracunculus vulgaris
XI 075
Hippæastrum hyb F3D
XI 076
Nicandra physaloides from Wellesley Street Garden
XI 077
Early August Garden<
XI 078
Michigan Lily 2011
XI 079
Early August Garden
XI 080
Fuchsia magellanica and Impatiens noli-tangere
XI 081-83
Mid-August Garden
XI 084-85
Mid-August Garden
XI 086
Buddlæia Royal Red, B. Nanho Blue
XI 087
Mike and Pam, Cathy and Don
XI 088
Hippæastrum F3E
XI 089
Mary Celeste Richards
XI 090
Mary Celeste Richards
XI 091
Mary Celeste Richards