Leonor González Girón


Personal and Family Information

Leonor was the daughter of Gonzalo Rodríguez Girón and Marquise Pérez de Villalobos. The date and place of her birth have not been found.

Her husband was Gonzalo Gómez de Roa. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Leonor González Girón


Gonzalo Rodríguez Girón


Rodrigo Gutiérrez Girón


Gutierre Téllez


Urraca Díaz


María de Guzmán


Rodrigo Muñoz de Guzmán


Mayor Díaz


Marquise Pérez de Villalobos



  1. Wikipedia Español
    Source: Wikipedia Español