Harold Dorris Montry


Personal and Family Information

Harold was born on 11 JUN 1912 in Ecorse, Wayne Co. MI , the son of Théodore (Dorris) Albert Montry and Helen Catherine Morasky.

He died in 1972. The place is not known.

His wife is not known. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Doris Helen (private).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Harold Dorris Montry


Théodore (Dorris) Albert Montry


Louis Montreuil


Sédilot dit Montreuil


Margaret Pitt


Angeline Bouley


Helen Catherine Morasky



Birth 11 JUN 1912
Place: Ecorse, Wayne Co. MI
Death 1972


Note 1

from Justin Baty

last of family to speak French

served in 101st Airborne during WWI. He parachuted behind the lines on D-Day and was at the seige of Bastogne.