Ansia de Lombardie

   Ansa de Brescia


Personal and Family Information

Ansia was born about 0720, the daughter of Liutprand de Lombardie but her mother is unknown. The place is not known.

She died about 0760. The place is not known.

Her husband was Didier de Lombardie, who she married in ABT 0745. The place has not been found. Their six known children were Désirée (0747-0776), Gerberge (c0750-0773), Adalperge (c0750-?), Adalgise (?-0788), Liutberge (?-?) and Ansperge (c0745-0817).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Ansia de Lombardie


Liutprand de Lombardie


Ansprand d'Asti



Birth ABT 0720
Death ABT 0760


Note 1

Elle est peut-être la fille de Verissimo de Brescia.


  1. Wikipédia Français
    Source: Wikipédia Français