Otto von Landsberg (schenk von Landsberg, herr zu Teupitz und Seyda)


Personal and Family Information

Otto was born about 1436, the son of Johann von Landsberg and Swenold von Schönrode. The place is not known.

He died in 1495. The place is not known.

His wife was Amabilie von Bieberstein. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their seven known children were Dorothea (c1478-1532), Albrecht (c1478-1517), Heinrich (c1480-1523), Johann (c1482-?), Amabilie (c1484-?), Otto (c1483-?) and Georg (c1488-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Otto von Landsberg


Johann von Landsberg


Otto von Landsberg


Albrecht von Landsberg


Jutta z Častolovic


Gosta von Manger


Swenold von Schönrode


Reinhard von Schönrode


Heinrich von Schönrode


Lisa von Stummel


Swanhilde de Mérode


sir Philippe de Mérode


Swenolt van Harff



Birth ABT 1436
Death 1495


Nobility Title schenk von Landsberg
Nobility Title herr zu Teupitz und Seyda