Dorothea von Erbach (gräfin zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg)


Personal and Family Information

Dorothea was born on 13 JUL 1593 in Erbach, the daughter of Georg III von Erbach and Maria IV von Barby-Mühlingen.

She died on 08 OCT 1643 in Pfedelbach.

Her husband was Ludwig Eberhard von Hohenlohe-Pfedelbach. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their four known children were Dorothea Marie (1618-1695), Sophie Juliana (1620-1681), Praxedis (1627-1663) and Hiskias (1631-1685).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Dorothea von Erbach


Georg III von Erbach


Eberhard XII von Erbach


Eberhard XI von Erbach


Maria von Wertheim


Margarethe zu Salm-Dhaun


Philipp zu Salm-Dhaun


Antoinette de Neuchâtel


Maria IV von Barby-Mühlingen


Albrecht X von Barby-Mühlingen


Wolfgang I von Barby-Mühlingen


Agnes von Mansfeld-Mittelrort


Maria von Anhalt-Zerbst


Johann IV von Anhalt-Zerbst


Margareta von Brandenburg



Birth 13 JUL 1593
Place: Erbach
Death 8 OCT 1643
Place: Pfedelbach


Nobility Title gräfin zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg